Sunday 13 September 2009

What makes a good Blog

10 tips
1. Post regularly and avoid long gaps (unless these are accounted for)
2. Provide ongoing evidence of group work as specified in the coursework tasks, including actor and location photos, inspirational videos and tracks, video clips of test shots, plans, schedules etc
3. Post evidence of development, change and progress including diary style summaries of your ongoing progress as a group
4. Remember to give your blog post a proper title.
5. You need to show lots of communication between the various group members, with regular posts from all group members, including reactions/suggestions/new ideas/arrangements etc.
6. Include links to the main blog, and the group members blogs
7. Upload your work in progress as you go: storyboards/moodboards/mp3s/youtube clips etc
8. Label all posts, use a labels list
9. Availability of the correct tools for editing posts, browsing etc
10 Develop your own blog style to represent you as a group, include a group/individual photo.

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