Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Mr Nicolle's A2 Induction Lesson - Trailers

Today's lesson and Tasks

Trailers booklet (below)
Trailer hyperlinks (below)
Analysis Grids (printed and in room)

Read the booklet below up to page 5 making sure you complete the questions on page 3.
Analyse TWO trailers using the grid on page 5.

Understand the requirements and options regarding A2 coursework.
Two completed analysis grids on trailers
An understanding on the construction and appeal of trailers.


For your A2 Coursework you will produce:

 a media portfolio, comprising a main and two ancillary texts

 a Blog presentation of your Research and Planning

 an electronic Evaluation


A promotion package for a new film, to include:

• a teaser trailer

PLUS two of the following three options:

• a website homepage for the film;

• a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;

• a poster for the film.

Activty One
Read through the booklet below and complete the questions on page 3. Email your responses to m.nicolle@lc.leics.sch.uk
G352 Trailers Induction

Activity Two
Use the printed trailer grids to complete your analysis of any TWO of the following trailers
The Air-bender

500 days of summer:
Saw V:
Street dance:
Bridget Jones’ Diary:

 You will need to bring these with you to your next lesson with Mr Nicolle.