Know that annoying bit at the start of films where the logo of a film company pops up or at the end of 'Lost' where a million different badges appear on screen, thats called an 'ident'. For your film opening you will need to make your own ident.
To do this you'll need to use Photoshop and import the jpeg into iMovie. To ensure that you do this correctly follow Miss Sutton's instructions
Once Photoshop is open go;
File – New Blank File
Go to preset and alter to PAL DV Widescreen 720 x 576
Most of you should have joined scribd during the past year. What scribd offers you is the opportunity to 'subscribe' to contributors who interest you, one particular individual to subscribe to is this mysterious person.
I've not had chance to read and assess the quality of what they've produced but that shouldn't stop you from reviewing their work. You are primarily interested in anything labeled G325.
How do audiences decode the narrative of your text? Organisation of your answer Essay form - somewhere between 800 and 1000 words is good. If you're stuck for ideas try this structure. Introduction What is the decoding process? How do audiences engage in it consciously/unconsciously? Does your narrative follow conventions or challenge existing conventions Main body paragraphs In the order that you think is appropriate, you should write a paragraph on each of the following
Your text and Todorov - how do you play with/follow the audience's expectation of the equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium pattern?
Your text & Barthes - how do action and enigma codes work within your text(s)? How do they help drive the narrative on?
Your text & Propp - What are our expectations of character? How do your characters fullfil Propps character roles?
Your text & Levi-Strauss - What binary oppositions are present in your text(s), and how do they help our understanding of it? Does the audience's grasp of right/wrong change? (Clue: make strong connections between this paragraph and the one on Propp or Barthes depending on how this has been achieved)
Your text and Symbolic Codes - Does each sequence has a memento - a significant object which provides a link forward and back? How do these objects help us understand the narrative (fabula) ie how can they be said to help construct it?
Conclusion: How DO audiences decode the narrative? Why does it make sense? Length: 800-1000 words